There's a very straightforward representation of primitive recursive functions in Haskell. It's a newtype
for a function that we will assert is a correct-by-construction primitive recursive function. We don't export the constructor to prevent the construction of arbitrary functions which could be partially recursive. This technique is called a smart constructor.
module Data.PRF (
-- We don't export the PRF constructor
PRF (runPRF),
) where
newtype PRF b c = PRF {runPRF :: b -> c}
We also need to provide an interface by which to build PRF
s. A Category
instance will provide the composition portion of the extended composition required for PRFs.
import Prelude hiding (id, (.), fst, snd, succ)
import Control.Category
instance Category PRF where
id = PRF id
PRF f . PRF g = PRF $ f `seq` g `seq` (f . g)
The seq
s require that f
and g
be in weak head normal form before any result can be calculated from them; if either function is undefined
then the composition will be undefined
as well.
The primitive recursive functions also require projection to select one argument from many. We'll view this as selecting one piece of data from a structure of data. If we use tuples instead of lists of known length the projection functions become fst
and snd
. Together with something like Arrow
's (&&&)
to build tuples we can cover all the requirements for extended projection. PRFs are like "Arrow without arr
"; arr
would allow arbitrary partially recursive functions to be made into PRFs
. We'll define the class of ArrowLike
class Category a => ArrowLike a where
fst :: a (b, d) b
snd :: a (d, b) b
(&&&) :: a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c,c')
first :: a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d)
first = (*** id)
second :: a b c -> a (d,b) (d,c)
second = (id ***)
(***) :: a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b,b') (c,c')
f *** g = (f . fst) &&& (g . snd)
The projection functions fst
and snd
take the place of arr
. They are the only functions needed to describe ArrowLike
behavior when combined with fanout (&&&)
Before we provide an ArrowLike
instance for PRF
we'll say how ordinary functions (->)
are ArrowLike
import qualified Prelude (fst, snd)
instance ArrowLike (->) where
fst = Prelude.fst
snd = Prelude.snd
f &&& g = \b -> (f b, g b)
s we'll use the same inductive step we used in the definition of (.)
for the Category
instance and demand that both functions be in weak head normal form.
instance ArrowLike PRF where
fst = PRF fst
snd = PRF snd
PRF f &&& PRF g = PRF $ f `seq` g `seq` (f &&& g)
Finally, we'll provide the primitive recursion itself. We'll translate primitive recursion directly from the axiomatic definition using tuples instead of increasing function arities.
class ArrowLike a => PrimRec a where
zero :: a b Nat
succ :: a Nat Nat
prec :: a e c -> a (c, (Nat,e)) c -> a (Nat, e) c
is a natural number given by data Nat = Z | S Nat
. I'm choosing to view the constant function zero
and the successor function as part of primitive recursion, the only way the Nat
values they construct can be deconstructed or inspected is with prec
. It is tempting to replace zero
with const :: c -> a b c
; this would be a fatal flaw as someone could introduce infinity = S infinity
with const
to turn prec
into an infinite loop.
The partially recursive functions (->)
support primitive recursion.
instance PrimRec (->) where
zero = const Z
succ = S
prec f g = go
go (Z, d) = f d
go (S n, d) = g (go (n, d), (n, d))
We'll define primitive recursion for PRF
using the same inductive trick we used for (.)
and (&&&)
instance PrimRec PRF where
zero = PRF zero
succ = PRF succ
prec (PRF f) (PRF g) = PRF $ f `seq` g `seq` prec f g
The primitive recursive functions are a Category
with the ability to construct and deconstruct both tuples and natural numbers.
Primitive recursive functions such as add
are easier to define with this interface.
import Prelude hiding (id, (.), fst, snd, succ)
import Control.Category
import Data.PRF
add :: PrimRec a => a (Nat, Nat) Nat
add = prec id (succ . fst)
We can still define useful functions like match
which helps build primitive recursive functions that branch on whether a natural is zero.
match :: PrimRec a => a b c -> a (Nat, b) c -> a (Nat, b) c
match fz fs = prec fz (fs . snd)
Using match
we can easily quickly test if a value is Z
and eventually whether it is odd
one :: PrimRec a => a b Nat
one = succ . zero
nonZero :: PrimRec a => a Nat Nat
nonZero = match zero one . (id &&& id)
isZero :: PrimRec a => a Nat Nat
isZero = match one zero . (id &&& id)
isOdd :: PrimRec a => a Nat Nat
isOdd = prec zero (isZero . fst) . (id &&& id)
We can still write Haskell declarations that are generally recursive, but all PRF
s built this way will be undefined
while :: PrimRec a => a s Nat -> a s s -> a s s
while test step = goTest
goTest = goMatch . (test &&& id)
goMatch = match id (goStep . snd)
goStep = goTest . step
This function, infiniteLoop
, would fail to terminate only for odd inputs.
infiniteLoop :: PrimRec a => a Nat Nat
infiniteLoop = while isOdd (succ . succ)
When running our examples, we will be careful about the evaluation order like in the previous answer.
import System.IO
mseq :: Monad m => a -> m a
mseq a = a `seq` return a
run :: Show b => PRF a b -> a -> IO ()
run f i =
putStrLn "Compiling function"
hFlush stdout
f' <- mseq $ runPRF f
putStrLn "Running function"
hFlush stdout
n <- mseq $ f' i
print n
We can evaluate PRF
s that were defined conveniently in terms of match
run isOdd (S $ S $ S Z)
Compiling function
Running function
But the function defined by infiniteLoop
is undefined
in general, not just for odd values.
run infiniteLoop (Z)
Compiling function