I'm new to WIX and MSI, so first i try to get bit of theoretical background and yet iam getting confused about this scenario - not sure how installer service will react if...
I got 2 .msi install packages of same application(but different version - and are supposed to be installed separately - i mean they can be installed at one machine without overwriting old one), both include component with same GUID - but has different location for installation(user can choose install path) - Question is how will windows installer react when installing second package - how WI changes refcount of component(there is one component with one GUID - but 2 physical resources - files) - i suppose in registry there should be COM GUID for component - but if files are splitted in several places, then how it can be effectively removed, because refcount is going to be still 1 so if i install both packages and try to remove first one then - this component will still get's unistall because of that count, am i right?
So to avoid this situation and get full uninstall, i would need change component GUID for every new installation package - using '*', so the Windows Installer will count component in sepate way for each component?