I create some delphi components and they are contained in one bpl-file. Recently I noticed that building bpl (bpl is installed) crashs IDE with exception "MyComponents.bpl_unloaded". But if bpl is not installed this problem doesn't occur. I cant catch this exception and I dont know where it raised (manually I dont call unloadlibrary or others ).
In runtime and disigntime all my components work correctly. The ProjectGroup may contain only my package or projects with/without my components but situation is same. In my project I use other vcl components (uses Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.AppEvnts, Vcl.Imaging.Jpeg, Vcl.Graphics). In package file section "requires" contains rtl,vcl,vclimg,VirtualTreesR,Jcl.
How can I correct this problem? thanks in advance