
My app contains a Tab Bar Controller at the root which has to three tabs - each of which are View Controllers embedded in their own Navigation Controllers. Like this: Tab Controller -> Nav Controller -> View Controller. I'm trying to set a property of the second tab's view controller from the first tab like this (as I would when preparing for segue)

- (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController     

if (tabBarController.selectedIndex == 1) {
        ((CreateViewController *)viewController).myProperty = YES;

The method is being called as expected, but as soon as I attempt to set the property the app crashes and I receive the error:

-[UINavigationController setAppearedFromTabBar:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fc913d5f510

I have a feeling this has to do with the fact that the View Controller (CreateViewController *) is embedded in a Nav Controller. Do I need to pass the info to the Nav Controller which in turn will pass it to the View Controller? Any help would be appreciated!

Clearly you have reference to navigationController instead of CreateViwController. I would try sth like: (CreateViewController *)[(UINavigationController *)viewController topViewController].myProperty = YES;kedzia
very good, it works, thanks! I just had to add extra parentheses so - ((CreateViewController *)[(UINavigationController *)viewController topViewController]).myProperty = YES;Dana
I have posted my comment as an answer, so you may accept it :)kedzia

1 Answers


Clearly you have reference to navigationController instead of CreateViwController.

((CreateViewController *)[(UINavigationController *)viewController topViewController]).myProperty = YES;