When an xpage is loaded into the browser, it checks to see if the the referrer contains the string "TranslateForm".
return facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getHeader("Referer");
If it doesn't contain my string, it redirects to the URL "Home?RequestCert&SubmitCert&TranslateForm=CertSubmitTranslation" and then redirects to the xpage where it passes the initial test. I can easily get info from that Home form which captures info from the smart card (e.g. CommonName) and then pass it as a URL Parameter by appending the string "?CN=" + document.forms[0].CommonName.value
Then, I can obviously capture that appended value and do what I want with it as I process the xpage. What I want to do is capture that CommonName field and save it in the backend without using a URL Parameter. I don't want the user to be able to see it or look in the source for a hidden field.