Sometimes "ARM Translation v.1.1 " is not working.. Here is the simple solution to install Google Play.
1.Go to this link:
2.Download the file from the link and extract to get the Android virtual device with Google play store. The file will be in the name as “Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z – 4.2.2 – with Google Apps – API 17 – 1080×1920″.
3.Close all your Genymotion store running in the background.
4.Copy that extracted file in to the following folder. C:\Users\'username'\AppData\Local\Genymobile\Genymotion\deployed
5.After you copy you should see this path: C:\Users\'username'\AppData\Local\Genymobile\Genymotion\deployed\Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z - 4.2.2 - with Google Apps - API 17 - 1080x1920
6.Inside the “Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z – 4.2.2 – with Google Apps – API 17 – 1080×1920″ folder you will see many *.vmdk and *.vbox files.
7.Now open VirtualBox and select Machine->Add and browse for the above folder and import the *.vbox file.
8.Restart genymotion. Done.