When I declare a directive under a controller, e.g.
<div ng-controller="MyController">
the directive inherits that controller's scope by default. This means if the controller defines
$scope.Heaven = "Free Beer"
then I have access to that within the directive's template via
{{ Heaven }}
When declaring a directive within another directive, why doesn't the child inherit scope like it would if placed in a controller?
In short, if I declare a controller function for my-parent-directive and in it write:
$scope.Heaven = "Free Beer"
My child directive doesn't have access to this by default. Why is that? (This assumes "scope: true" within the parent, no scope declaration in the child, and the child requiring the parent via "require: 'my-parent-directive')
Example codepens:
Directive wrapped in controller
Directive wrapped in directive
Question was modified after answer was given - the below is to preserve the reference
Directive wrapped in directive old
– harishr{{abc.Heaven}}
, just like every other variable – harishr