
I use an AWS Cognito CLI command syntactically exact to

aws cognito-identity get-open-id-token-for-developer-identity --identity-pool-id eu-west-1:c1b83398-09xx-4x38-b10x-2346x1xdc1b --logins [email protected]

Said command has successfully returned tokens previously.

I am now receiving the error "Unable to construct an endpoint for cognito-identity in region None"

I have retired this with various cognito identity pools; swapping the identity-pool-id and logins as appropriate. Any ideas?

PS : If I use the CLI command describe-identity-pool

e.g. aws cognito-identity describe-identity-pool --identity-pool-id eu-west-1:c1b83398-09xx-4x38-b10x-2346x1xdc1

I receive the same error message.

X-posted on Aws Cognito Forum


1 Answers


Seems like region is missing from your aws configuration. Can you please run 'aws configure' and provide region as 'eu-west-1' as your identity pool belongs to this region.