
The Workbook comes with three sheets - Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3. How do I add another sheet, let the user add data and then save the data? I know I can use Sheet1.Copy or ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add to add but I cannot access the new one I added. Globals still has only three sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3) although deep inside the count of sheets is 4 just as ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count gives me a value of 4. If the new sheets cannot be added dynamically, is there a way I can add sheets at design time so that they all work just like Sheet1, 2 and 3?


1 Answers


You could add sheets via code as in vba add sheets using VBA.

You can access all sheets (including the ones the user added or those added by code) using a code as in MS-Loop through sheets.