Here is the partial code to which i'm troubled.
<core-toolbar id="main-toolbar" horizontal layout>
<core-icon-button icon="menu" class="bottom" core-drawer-toggle>
<paper-ripple class="recenteringTouch" fit></paper-ripple>
<div id="titulo" class="bottom" flex></div>
<paper-fab id="viva-close-button" icon="close" class="bottom" mini></paper-fab>
The expected behaviour is the ripple spreading till the end of the core-icon-button and only this element, plus, well, it should toggle the menu drawer. It does work without the ripple but with it innit just crash and burns.
The ripple goes all toolbar long and also seems to prevent the menu icon to receive the click event and doesn't trigger any action.
It all happens with menu items too but they are a tad more complex (in my case at least because i extended it's functionality) so i decided to give the drawer button a try.
code working:
<paper-icon-button role="button" icon="menu" relative core-drawer-toggle>
<paper-ripple class="recenteringTouch circle" fit></paper-ripple>
absolutely no need for fiddling. peper-icon-button works like a charm.