
I want to use http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js in a portlet having name Banner

for that in gatein-resources.xml i have declaired it as a shaired resource with name googlemap and add googlemap as dependencies of Banner portlet



But while loading Banner portlet map is not showing.

If i am declareing http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js file inside script tag in the
jsp file used in Banner portlet, google map is showing.

Can anybody explain why googlemap js is not loading when declared it inside gatein-resources.xml.
All the other scripts reside in local system itself declared in gateing-resources are working fine.


1 Answers


First there might be an error in your module declaration since the module declaration does not fit in the gatrein-resources xsd schmea declaration. It should be something like the following:



Meanwhile your should be aware that the AMD (Asynchrounous module defenition) engine of GateIn does not provide support for Content Delevery Network (CDN) files and you have to provide a path referring to a local file under your webapp archive and not not a remote one.

As far as I know, GateIn people have planned working on supporting CDN path files in an upcoming release.