I am trying to render a view for a collection using Backbone.View. But I cannot render the comment view to show the individual comments as a list inside the comments view. Only comments form is rendered. when visited the url of the collection from the address bar the below array is returned as I have written it on the server side code with express.
What can be the issue here I cannot manage to fix? It seems very natural to achieve it with this code, but it is certain that I am missing something. General issue is I am stuck at such detailed points although I can learn a say mvc framework, Backbone, Node, express etc.
var CommentsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.post = options.post;
this.collection = new Comments({post: this.post});//injecting collection from this views options, was injected to this view form router.
this.collection.on('add', this.addComments, this);
addComments: function (comment) {
this.$el.append(new CommentView({ model: comment }).render().el);
render: function () {
this.$el.append("<h2> Comments </h2>");
this.$el.append(new CommentFormView({post: this.post}).render().el);
return this;
This is the array returned when the url of collection is visited form the address bar:
"_id": "547e36df0ca19b2c1a6af910",
"postId": "547d00e30ca19b2c1a6af90b",
"name": "comment one",
"date": "Mon 21 Oct 2014",
"text": "gibberjabber"
Router method when the route to the comments of the related post is routed to:
comments: function(_id) {
var csv = new CommentsView({ post: this.posts.findWhere( {_id: _id} ) });
and are you sure thataddComments
is executed ? Can you create a fiddle to demonstrate the issue ? – coding_idiot