Out of a bunch of files I want to concatenate all files whose filename starts with a 1 into a textfile named 1.txt. The encoding of the source files is UTF16-LE and this shall also be the encoding of the target file. But using my powershell script (code below) results in a UTF-8 file with defect special signs (Umlauts etc.)
This is my code:
Powershell.exe cat Disc:\data\files\1\filename-1* > Path:\here\1.txt
I found several approaches using Get-Content and Out-File but was not able to adapt those commands to my wildcard needs. As far as I understand, cat is a standard alias of get-content, so I wonder why I cannot just replace cat with get-content. Additionally, get-content has a -Encoding CharSet parameter but changing my code like this:
Powershell.exe cat Disc:\data\files\1\filename-1* > Path:\here\1.txt -encode Unicode
(which is the charset for UTF-16 format little-endian byte order) does not change a thing. Neither does BigEndianUnicode or UTF8.
Thanks for any help!