
As the title said, I have a CAF file and I want to insert that file into a video file using ffmpeg(Programmatically ) using C.

CAF file has Linear PCM audio format

I am successfully able to build the video file and now want to add the audio to the video file from CAF (Core Audio Format) file.

Can anyone provide a sample please.



1 Answers


FFMpeg does not has encoders for CAF file.

To add the audio to video, your core audio format in linear PCM encoding can be treated as a wav file!

In other words, CAF file + Linear PCM encoding can be treated as raw audio file and can be renamed as wav file. Now you feed this raw file as input to ffmpeg along with the video file.

Keep a watch on FFMpeg updates, in future they may support CAF file. In that case we can feed in the raw CAF file to FFMpeg.