I'm interested in calculating the skewness of a dataset in SAS. Using the proc univariate
statement I can get summary statistics, thus the skewness. Is it possible to get just the value of the skewness as output? I also need that value to do some calculations in the next lines, therefore I'll need a way to acces just that value, not all the summary statistics.
1 Answers
You can get the list of what's available with ods trace
ods trace on;
proc univariate data=sashelp.class;
var age;
ods trace off;
Moments is the table that contains skewness; you can use KEEP statements and/or WHERE statements to filter to just that value.
ods output moments=class_moments;
proc univariate data=sashelp.class;
var age;
ods output close;
And then the keep statements particular to skewness:
ods output moments=class_moments(keep=varname cValue1 label1 where=(label1='Skewness'));
proc univariate data=sashelp.class;
var age;
ods output close;