I have an Access form that has four fields. Two unbound textboxes and two Bound Comboboxes.
The user is meant to enter a country name into textbox1 and Combobox1 underneath gives only the one option that matches in my Country Table.
Then the user inputs a region name into textbox2 and Combobox2 gives only the matching region.
This was working fine, however, when I moved onto a new record, the textbox values remained. Even when I deleted the contents of the textboxes and typed a different country name or region name, the comboboxes still referenced the old value.
I found a solution to this by adding code
Private Sub Textbox1_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub Textbox2_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
But it was still annoying me that I had to manually delete the old textbox values on the new record, so I found a solution to that and tested it on textbox1
Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.Textbox1 = ""
End Sub
This worked fine and textbox1 cleared when moving to a new record, but when I did the same to texbox2, I got the following error message
"The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:Ambigous name detected: Form Current"
Is there a way I can clear two texboxes on the same form?