I am trying to import in Magento using Magmi a set of configurable and simple products. I have followed all the necessary steps correctly (I guess) that are described here http://wiki.magmi.org/index.php?title=Configurable_Item_processor.
Here is a test file with data that I load in the importer https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17_fWYfYmSiXdLYp80P0kafPrFYzwzp7JHGNlHQTM0S4/edit?usp=sharing
Test cases:
Running the import without Configurable Item processor works just fine but does not create the link between the simple products and the configurable ones in backend (which makes perfect sense).
Running with Configurable Item processor with all the combinations of plugin options (Perform simples/configurable link y/n & auto match simples skus before configurable y/n) yields all the time the fallowing errors:
1 SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'attribute_id' cannot be null -
2 SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'attribute_id' cannot be null - ERROR ON RECORD #3
The error is triggered by this line of code
INSERT INTO `catalog_product_super_attribute` (`product_id`,`attribute_id`,`position`) VALUES (?,?,?)
that you can find in /plugins/base/itemprocessors/configurables/magmi_configurableprocessor.php:246
I have searched for a solution and found this one http://blog.mdnsolutions.com/index.php/magmi-not-importing-configurable-products/ where actually the guy solved the issue by replacing that line above with:
INSERT INTO `catalog_product_super_attribute` (`product_id`,`attribute_id`,`position`) VALUES (:a,:b,:c)
It is not working.
There is also another question on this issue posted here Magmi Configurable Products Importation however the solution appears to be very "vague".
Working with:
Magento -
Magmi - 0.7.20
Configurable Item processor - 1.3.7a
OS is Ubuntu running PHP 5.3.10 & MySQL 5.5.34