
I'd like to consume data from the Google QPX Express API and I'm trying to setting up a very basic request. On the demopage [1] I copied the generated JSON which looks as follows:

  "request": {
    "slice": [
        "origin": "ZRH",
        "destination": "DUS",
        "date": "2014-12-02"
    "passengers": {
      "adultCount": 1,
      "infantInLapCount": 0,
      "infantInSeatCount": 0,
      "childCount": 0,
      "seniorCount": 0
    "solutions": 20,
    "refundable": false

According to the Online Manual [2] a basic request has the following structure:


So I inserted this code using my API key which I generated in the google developers console, but the re

    "error": {
        "errors": [
                "domain": "global",
                "reason": "parseError",
                "message": "Parse Error"
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Parse Error"

What's wrong with my request?

[1] https://qpx-express-demo.itasoftware.com/ [2] https://developers.google.com/qpx-express/v1/requests


2 Answers


Turns out, something was wrong with POSTMAN (REST API AddOn for Chrome). I tried the same using curl:

i) I saved the JSON which I would pass to my request into a file called "request.json":

  "request": {
    "slice": [
        "origin": "ZRH",
        "destination": "DUS",
        "date": "2014-12-02"
    "passengers": {
      "adultCount": 1,
      "infantInLapCount": 0,
      "infantInSeatCount": 0,
      "childCount": 0,
      "seniorCount": 0
    "solutions": 20,
    "refundable": false

ii) then, in the terminal I switched to the directory in which the newly created request.json file was located and run (myApiKey stands for my actual API Key obviously):

curl -d @request.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://www.googleapis.com/qpxExpress/v1/trips/search?key=myApiKey

This worked for me.


You need to specify a value for "Content-Type" HTTP header in your request. In you case "application/json" :

Content-Type: application/json