I would like to create a mask in OpenCV containing some full rectangular regions (say 1 to 10 regions). Think of it as a mask showing the location of features of interest on an image. I know the pixel coordinates of the corners of each region.
Right now, I am first initializing a Mat to 0, then I am looping through each element. Using "if" logic, I put each pixel to 255 if they belong to the region, such as:
for (int i = 0; i<mymask.cols, i++) {
for (int j = 0; j<mymask.rows, j++) {
if ( ((i > x_lowbound1) && (i < x_highbound1) &&
(j > y_lowbound1) && (j < y_highbound1)) ||
((i > x_lowbound2) && (i < x_highbound2) &&
(j > y_lowbound2) && (j < y_highbound2))) {
mymask.at<uchar>(i,j) = 255;
But this is very clumsy and I think inefficient. In this case, I "fill" 2 rectangular region with 255. But there is no viable way to change the number of region I fill, beside using a switch-case and repeating the code n times.
Is there anyone thinking of something more intelligent? I would rather not use a 3rd party stuff (beside OpenCV ;) ) and I am using VisualStudio 2012.
mymask.at<i*mymask.rows + j> = 255;
- shouldn't that bemymask.at<some_type>(j,i) = 255;
? – berak