I'm trying to implement a data transfer using Fortran 90 and MPI in which every node sends a specific buffer to every other node, i.e. for N nodes I have N-1 buffers to be sent, each one with a different content specific to the recipient node. This involves a double loop and non-blocking send/recv calls; here's the code:
program a2a
implicit none
include "mpif.h"
integer, parameter :: ILEN=4
integer :: nn,i,j,me,ierr
integer :: status(MPI_status_size)
integer, allocatable :: sndv(:),rcvv(:),ireq(:)
call MPI_init(ierr)
call MPI_comm_size(mpi_comm_world,nn,ierr)
call MPI_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,me,ierr)
do i=0,nn
end do
do i=0,nn
if (i == me) then
do j=0,nn
if (i == j) cycle
call MPI_isend(sndv(j),ILEN,MPI_byte,j,1000+j,MPI_comm_world,ireq(j),ierr)
write(*,*) 1000+j,'Send - #',me,' -> #',j,': ',sndv(j),ireq(j)
end do
do j=0,nn
if (i == j) cycle
call MPI_irecv(rcvv(j),ILEN,MPI_byte,j,1000+j,MPI_comm_world,ireq(j),ierr)
write(*,*) 1000+j,'Recv0 #',i,' -> #',j,': ',rcvv(j),ireq(j)
end do
end if
end do
do j=0,nn
if (me == j) cycle
call MPI_wait(ireq(j),status,ierr)
write(*,*) 1000+j,'Recv1 #',me,' -> #',j,': ',rcvv(j),ireq(j)
end do
call MPI_barrier(MPI_comm_world,ierr)
do i=0,nn
write(*,*) 'Recv2 #',i,' -> #',me,': ',rcvv(i)
end do
call MPI_finalize(ierr)
end program a2a
The expected result for a run with just two nodes is that node 0 sends "1" to node 1 and node 1 sends "10" to node 0. The actual result is that nothing seems to be sent, although there is no deadlock and the tags and request numbers seem to be correct. What is wrong here?
use mpi
instead of the include. You get couple of error checks for free and less code for the compiler to compile. – Vladimir F