
I'm trying to figure out how to create programatically a tile with specified template (TileSquare150x150Text03)? I tried to follow these guides link , MSDN and a few similiar, but wherever I paste < tile> ... < /tile > markup (e.g. in page or app .xaml file) Visual Studio underlines this markup and says that "tile is not supported in a Windows Phone project". I don't need any tile updates or tiles with two sides. Just simple one with specified template, background color/image and filled with my text.

Can someone explain me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you for your help.

Are you targeting Silverlight or RunTime? How have you tried to create the tile? You may take a look at this answer (WinRT).Romasz
Thank you for the answer! I'm targeting RunTime. This code works fine with me, but how can I set SecondaryTile one of built-in templates? With this solution I have only one line of text at the bottom of the tile, but I need to display at least 3 or 4 lines like in TileSquare150x150Text03 template.adam_z
I think you will need to send a notification to a tile, which uses templates you are talking about. Good reference is at MSDN.Romasz
I mentioned about this site in my first post. The problem is mainly with < tile> ... < /tile > tag. I can't add this markup to any .xaml file in my project without getting an error. I'm working on VSE 2013.adam_z
There are couple of ways you can obtain XmlDocument: 1. The easiest will be just to get a template: TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileWide310x150ImageAndText01);. 2. Load from string var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(string); You put your <tile>.. in string str = @"<tile>.... 3. You can also load document from file XmlDocument.LoadFromFileAsync() - for this add xml file in your project.Romasz

1 Answers


Simple! You need to parse your tile template (an XML string) into an XElement object in code:

var template = "<tile>etc</tile>";
var tileXe = XElement.Parse(template);

Either configure the template xml to your liking before this or after (demo is in the article you linked)

then post it to the tile manager

var tileNotification = new TileNotification(tileXe);

You can do this anywhere in your app as long as this code runs on the UI thread. Also note that there is a limit to how often you can update the tile, last time I checked it was every 15 seconds at most.