I would like to create a variable called DATFL that would have the following values for the last obseration :
Here is the code :
data mix_ ;
input id $ name $ gender $ scan $;
1 jon M F
2 jill F L
3 james F M
4 jonas M M
data mix_3; set mix_;
length datfl datfl_ $ 50;
array m4(*) id name gender scan;
retain datfl;
do i=1 to dim(m4);
if index(m4(i) ,'M') then do;
datfl_=vname(m4(i)) ;
if missing(datfl) then datfl=datfl_;
else datfl=strip(datfl)||"/"||datfl_;
Unfortunately, the value I get for 'DATFL' at the last observation is 'gender/scan/gender/scan'.Obviously because of the retain statement that I used for 'DATFL' I ended up with duplicates. At the end of this data step, I was planning to use a CALL SYMPUT statement to load the last value into macro variable but I won't do it until I fix my issue...Can anyone provide me with a guidance on how to prevent 'DATFL' to have duplicates value at the end of the dataset ? Cheers sas_kappel