i developed a group chat app using MultiUserChat(muc). problem is that i am unable to destroy a persistent chat room from openfire website. when i delete a group chat room it gets deleted from openfire but when i click on the delete group from android app then it appears again but without the name of group chat. For example consider a group "welcome (gf5wkw97wmd9ygzo) ". its name is "welcome" and room id is "gf5wkw97wmd9ygzo". but when i delete it and click on the deleted group from android app then it appears only with room id, i.e with "gf5wkw97wmd9ygzo" only. i here are screenshots. after creating or before deleting a group chat room named as "welcom" it looks like: welcome (nv8vb53l5q88kf9r)
after deleting welcome group from openfire website it show following message and group doesn't appear. Room destroyed successfully from here not problems is there
but when i selects this group from android app and refresh the openfire web page then it looks like: nv8vb53l5q88kf9r
please note that here only room id: "nv8vb53l5q88kf9r" appears without group name which was "welcome" and it is not persistent any more.
exact is the case when i delete the group chat room from android app using following code:
muc = new MultiUserChat(xmppConnection, roomId);
muc.destroy("was tesing room", null);
please help me in this regard