I am new to Filemaker pro. I am working with Filemaker pro 13.
My database contains 3 tables:
- category (fields = _pkCatID & CatName)
- subcategory (fields = _pkSubcatID , _fkCatID & SubcatName)
- books (many fields including _fkSubcatID)
I have no problems in conditional value lists, so making two popup menus in books layout for categories and subcategories was successful.
But I want to put both categories and subcategories in one menu/sub-menu using 2empowerfm Menu Popper plugin.
I created a new field in subcategory table to store a calculation to be used in the value list of the plugin. The calculation is = CatName & ">" & SubcatName & ";" & _pkSubcatID . So the returned value when choosing in books layout will be "_pkSubcatID".
The problem is CatName is not in Subcategory table, and if I choose it from the related table Category, I can't make the calculation "stored" which is a requirement to use a field in a value list.
So, I need to copy the field CatName from category table to a new created field in subcategory table. I don't know how to do it.