
I am attempting to create a click event for an button that is not part of the Kendo UI Grid controls.

This was fairly easily accomplished with this code: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20973015/60629

Working DataSourceRequest Code:


  click: function (event) {
    var grid = $('#grid_patients').data('kendoGrid');
        var parameterMap = grid.dataSource.transport.parameterMap;
        var sortData = grid.dataSource.sort();
        var filterData = grid.dataSource.filter();
        var groupData = grid.dataSource.group();
        var prepared = parameterMap({ sort: sortData, filter: filterData, group: groupData });

    $.post("/Root/Getresults", prepared, 
       function (data, status, xhr) {

Controller Code

public ActionResult Getresults([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)

Additional Data

However, I need to also pass additional parameters. JavaScript Changes

 var extraParams = { /* appended data object */
     request: prepared,
     additionaldata: "test"
 $.post("/Root/Getresults", extraParams, 


public ActionResult Getresults([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, string additionaldata)

The original returns the DataSourceRequest with data and the secondary one will return the additionaldata, but has an empty request object.

I'm unsure how to proceed from here.

How did you bind grid_patients at initial page load?Win
It's an .NET MVC loading. I've actually figured this problem out now.. and feeling slightly moronic because of how long it took me. I didn't figure it out alone either.. a coworker with more Kendo under his belt did!JGood

1 Answers


Thanks to a coworker the answer became fairly obvious! The mistake was in how I setup the JSON object being sent, the request parameter shouldn't be used.

var extraParams = { /* appended data object */
     sort: prepared.sort,
     filter: prepared.filter,
     group: prepared.group,
     additionaldata: "test"

DataSourceRequest properties are automatically synced up to the parameter in the controller.