I have a class called 'Panel' that extends JPanel and it is inside another class called 'Main'. The constructor instantiates JFrame, and all the GUI components, and sets it all up, such as size.
The class 'Panel' which extends JPanel has a method public void paintComponent(Graphics g){} and inside it I added a few JButtons and used g.drawString's.
Then in the 'Main' class, I added the 'Panel' to the JFrame.
My question is, I am trying to implement an actionListener to a button added inside the 'Panel' class. The actionListener function would add more buttons and use g.drawString's as well. Now where would I place the ActionListener in order to do so? How can I use g.drawString for a particular panel and the g.drawString line is inside another class, which is the ActionListener class? I would need to use Graphics g of paintComponent inside the actionPerformed.
Thank you!
public class Main{
private JFrame jf;
private JTextField jtf1;
private JTextField jtf2;
private Panel p;
private JComboBox jcb1;
private JComboBox jcb2;
private JButton button;
private Object options[];
//ActionListener Variables
private int string1 = 150;
private int string2 = 150;
private int yJtf1 = 150;
private int yJtf2 = 160;
private int cb1 = 140;
private int cb2 = 165;
private int count = 0;
public Main(){
jf= new JFrame();
jf.setSize(700, 700);
p = new Panel();
jtf1 = new JTextField("", 20);
jtf2= new JTextField("", 20);
Object options[] = {""};
jcb1 = new JComboBox(tools);
jcb2 = new JComboBox(tools);
button = new JButton("+");
public class Panel extends JPanel{
public Panel(){
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
/*button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ //Would this work or should the ActionListener be a class as shown below?
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
if(count < 3){ //Won't be allowed to add anymore after 3 times
string1 += 50;
string2 += 50;
jtf1 += 50;
jtf2 += 50;
cb1 += 50;
cb2 += 45;
//Would like to add the following components to the 'Panel' (which is a JPanel) whenever the JButton 'button' already added to 'Panel' is clicked.
p.add(jtf1); //Would doing p.add really add to the panel when the ActionListener is called?
jtf1.setBounds(60, yJtf1, 50, 40);
jtf2.setBounds(60, yJtf2, 50, 40);
jcb1.setBounds(250, cb1, 50, 40);
jcb2.setBounds(250, cb2, 50, 40);
Font font = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 18);
g.setFont(font); //Getting error on 'g' regardless
g.drawString("Hi", 15, string1); //This is the main problem, how would I be able to add this strings to the 'Panel' (which is a JPanel)
g.drawString("There", 330, string1);
jtf1.setBounds(100, 30, 120, 30);
ljtf2.setBounds(100, 60, 120, 30);
plusButton.setBounds(200,150, 50, 50);
//button.addActionListener(new ButtonClicked()); if doing ActionListener via class like below
jcb1.setBounds(300, 350, 100, 50);
jcb2.setBounds(300, 350, 100, 25);
Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 12);
g.drawString("Item:", 40, 45);
g.drawString("Cost:", 40, 75);
public static void main(String [] args){
new Main();
class ButtonClicked implements ActionListener{ //Action Listener: The follow is what I am trying to implement
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
if(count < 3){ //Won't be allowed to add anymore after 3 times
string1 += 50;
string2 += 50;
jtf1 += 50;
jtf2 += 50;
cb1 += 50;
cb2 += 45;
//Would like to add the following components to the 'Panel' (which is a JPanel) whenever the JButton 'button' already added to 'Panel' is clicked.
p.add(jtf1); //Would doing p.add really add to the panel when the ActionListener is called?
jtf1.setBounds(60, yJtf1, 50, 40);
jtf2.setBounds(60, yJtf2, 50, 40);
jcb1.setBounds(250, cb1, 50, 40);
jcb2.setBounds(250, cb2, 50, 40);
Font font = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 18);
g.drawString("Hi", 15, string1); //This is the main problem, how would I be able to add this strings to the 'Panel' (which is a JPanel)
g.drawString("There", 330, string1);
is meant only for painting (not adding an ActionListener or changing the component state). Btw, stop using absolute positioning and start using LayoutManager: it will make your life easier. – Guillaume Poletprivate String textToDraw = null;
, inpaintComponent
check if that value is nonnull
, and if not, draw that string. In yourActionListener
change the value of that String to your liking and invokerepaint()
– Guillaume Polet