What I want to do is, just post data to server and get data from server by using JSON & AJAX. I am converting legacy non AJAX project to AJAX. It is a liferay portlet spring ibatis jquery project. Form submission was success and I could not be able to retrieve data from server as JSON. I used spring-mvc-jquery-autocomplete-example sample to learn jackson for JSON. It was very easy no need me to even think about JSON. I just copy-paste two jar files in my build path and annotate @ResponseBody to my method. But still response is full html page. Why?
JSP code here
<portlet:actionURL var="formAction">
<portlet:param name="action" value="submit"/>
<c:set var="formPortletNamespace">form<portlet:namespace/></c:set>
<form:form method="post" action="${formAction}" commandName="uiState" id="${formPortletNamespace}" cssClass="travelInsurancePortletForm jqCustomStyle" autocomplete="off">
<% /* Selected action as a parameter */ %>
<input type="hidden" name="portletAction" id="portletAction"/>
<form:hidden path="quote.quotingWebApp" />
JS code here.This code submit the form to server
function doPortletAction(actionName) {
jQuery('form#form<portlet:namespace/> input#portletAction').val(actionName);
jQuery('form#form<portlet:namespace/> input#<portlet:namespace/>-posted').val('true');
url: jQuery('#form<portlet:namespace/>').attr("action"),
type: 'POST',
data: jQuery('#form<portlet:namespace/>').serialize(),
success: onAjaxSubmitReturn
Controller coding
public class MyController{
public @ResponseBody UiState myAction(
PortletSession session,
ActionResponse response,
@RequestParam(value="endDate", required=false) Date endDate,
@ModelAttribute("uiState") UiState requestUiState,
BindingResult errors,
ModelMap mm) throws Exception {
UiState uiState=new UiState ();
return uiState;
method. – Ben VonDerHaar