I have to reconstruct an object which will be placed around 1 meter to 1.5 meters away from the baseline of my stereo setup. The image captured by both cameras have high resolution (10 MP)
The accuracy with which I have to detect it's position is +/- 0.5mm, in all the three co-ordinate axes. (If you require more details, please let me know)
For these, what should the optimal specifications of my checkerboard (for calibration) be?
I only know that it should be an asymmetric board. It should be placed in the same distance range as the range where object is expected to be placed. Also, it should be oriented in all possible angles (making sure all corners are seen by both cameras)
What about:
Number of squares horizontally and vertically? (also, on which side should the squares be more / even?)
Dimension of each square on checkerboard?
What effect does the baseline distance have on this?
Do these parameters of the checkerboard affect my accuracy in anyway? Are there any other parameters I need to consider for calibration?
I am using the MATLAB Stereo Calibrator App.