Isn't functionality put in a convenience init - unusable in sub-classes?
If so, why are the Cocoa's interfaces for Swift defining so many initializers as convenience.
For example - I have a sub-class of NSWindowController and I would like to create a designated init, which will not get any parameters and should directly know what NIB file to instantiate with.
But I don't have any access to super.init's/methods to get the already implemented behaviour and build up on it. Here is the definition of the inits of NSWindowController:
class NSWindowController : NSResponder, NSCoding, NSSeguePerforming, NSObjectProtocol {
init(window: NSWindow?)
init?(coder: NSCoder)
convenience init(windowNibName: String)
convenience init(windowNibName: String, owner: AnyObject)
convenience init(windowNibPath: String, owner: AnyObject)
// ...
Instead I am forced to reimplement the NIB loading, thus duplicating and potentially getting it wrong.
Here is a small passage from a blogpost by Mike Ash, mentioning NSWindowController subclasses and the reasoning behind what I do in my case is exactly the same:
NSWindowController provides a initWithWindowNibName: method. However, your subclass is built to work with only a single nib, so it's pointless to make clients specify that nib name. Instead, we'll provide a plain init method that does the right thing internally. Simply override it to call super and provide the nib name:
- (id)init
return [super initWithWindowNibName: @"MAImportantThingWindow"];
So it's possible in ObjectiveC, but how can this be done in Swift?