Yes, this works, actually I do this exact same thing, also in a line graph chart, however there are a few drawbacks/remarks. The message handling is a bit wonky, with some messages not being send according to the documentation, and some workarounds being necessary to keep the control self-contained (not requiring help from the parent to reflect notifications).
What you do is declare a variable in your CWnd-derived class
CToolTipCtrl m_ToolTipCtrl;
CString m_ToolTipContent;
Then do this on OnCreate:
m_ToolTipCtrl.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP);
Optionally, you can also set the delay time:
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_AUTOPOP, -1);
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_INITIAL, 0);
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_RESHOW, 0);
When you want to show your tooltip (presumably in OnMouseMove()), use
BUT this only works in UNICODE builds. So if you're still on MBCS (like I am), you can only show the tooltip after a certain delay.
Use this to set your tooltip text (also in OnMouseMove):
// Not using CToolTipCtrl::AddTool() because
// it redirects the messages to the parent
TOOLINFO ti = {0};
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND; // Indicate that uId is handle to a control
ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)m_hWnd; // Handle to the control
ti.hwnd = m_hWnd; // Handle to window
// to receive the tooltip-messages
ti.hinst = ::AfxGetInstanceHandle();
ti.rect = <rectangle where, when the mouse is over it, the tooltip should be shown>;
m_ToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti);
m_ToolTipContent = "my tooltip content";
Furthermore, you need to handle TTNNeedText:
// The build-agnostic one doesn't work for some reason.
BOOL GraphCtrlOnTTNNeedText(UINT id, NMHDR* pTTTStruct, LRESULT* pResult)
//pTTT->lpszText = "some test text";
//pTTT->lpszText = m_ToolTipContent;
strncpy_s(pTTT->lpszText, 80, m_ToolTipContent, _TRUNCATE);
return TRUE;
You'll have to modify this a bit, and read the documentation of the functions and messages, to get this to work in your project but yes it can be done.