I have been writing rspec tests using capybara and selenium-webdriver. Almost without fail, whenever I run one of these tests, the console output is gone.
For instance:
~/code/code> bundle exec rspec spec/features/interactions_spec.rb
Thats just about all I ever see. The browser launches, performs the action's I've coded, but I don't see the usual output.
Sometimes I'll see this as output instead (yay!):
login as admin works
login as user works
Finished in 16.84 seconds (files took 7.9 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures
What could be causing the output from the tests to disappear? This makes it nearly impossible to write tests - as I have no idea what has run, what has passed, what has failed, or why they have failed.
I'm using these Gems, but performing a bundle update does not change the behavior.
- capybara (2.4.4)
- capybara-screenshot (1.0.3)
- rspec (3.0.0)
- rspec-activemodel-mocks (1.0.1)
- rspec-collection_matchers (1.0.0)
- rspec-core (3.0.3)
- rspec-expectations (3.0.3)
- rspec-mocks (3.0.3)
- rspec-rails (3.0.2)
- rspec-support (3.0.3)
- selenium-webdriver (2.44.0)
- shoulda-matchers (2.6.2)
Other involved software:
- Firefox 33.1.1 (Chrome 39.0.2171.65 (64-bit) has the same behavior)
- OSX 10.9.5
- Rails 4.1.4
Update This seemed to fix the problem for a while, even with a sleep of 1ms. However, that was only a temporary fix and this problem persists.
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:each, :type => :feature) do