Wanted to see if anyone can help clarify a few things in general using this angular-seed for example:
Angular-seed you can install it via github (git clone) or npm but not yeoman.
- Is a project like angular-seed on npm because - it was the first real distribution tool for full stack javascript stuff?
- This does not mean that it somehow can be used as a backend component? note: on angular-seed's npm page - links to same github page as the project home as the one in the tut below.
- Yeoman would be the primary place right now you would look for this type of package/app starter skeleton rather than github direct or some other source?
- Angular-seed is not on yeoman right now - would this (or a combo with project commit activity) defer you from using this project for an app starter?
Recently did the following angular + firebase tut. Angular-seed project is installed by using git clone on the tut. I remembered seeing angular-seed on npm and out of curiosity installed that in another folder to compare. Noticed similar structures but not the same. Some of the tree structure I included below.
myProjectFolder (installed from git clone)
myProjectFolder (installed from npm)