I am tired of one problem so please make things clear to me. Please read these following three points and help me out.
(1) I have simply followed this https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-start-and-stop-live-stream-recordings-programmatically-livestreamrecordautorecord-example#documentation I have attached my Application.xml. Now when I publish live stream name "test1" via FMLE it get recorded on server but when I run different instance of FMLE on different PC and publish live stream name "test2" it does not get record and I think it goes to previously recorded file "test1" (means no separate file being record, however there should be two files recorded test1 and test2). Why this happenning ? Is this com.wowza.wms.plugin.livestreamrecord.module.ModuleAutoRecordAdvancedExample for single stream recording ? means If I publish stream A B C D , it will record them in one single file ? (probably the output file will be A.mp4 as A was first published stream ?)
(2) What is this https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-start-and-stop-live-stream-recordings-programmatically-imediastreamactionnotify3#comments module for ? I have implement this code in Eclipse and successfully put jar in lib folder and configured everything. Now again I am not able to record different streams with their corresponding name. Means If I publish stream1 and stream2 then desired output should be two different files (in content folder) but again I see one single file being record ?
(3) Can I use ModuleLiveStreamRecord.java ? This was in older version of WOWZA but I have properly imported required jar and tested it.
My requirement is very simple: As soon as users start publishing, WOWZA should start live recording. If 10 users publishing live, 10 files should be generate.