I'm facing a big problem with product variations and their attributes in woocommerce. I'm trying to display a table with each attribute for each availabe product variation. But Woocommerce saves the attributes in post meta complete in lowercase, replaces slashes and german special characters like ü,ö,ä etc. I get the attributes with $variation->get_variation_attributes(). I've searched the database for the save values you can see for example in the dropdown in the admin panel, but they are saved like this without a link to the variation they are assigned to:
a:5:{s:10:"bestell-nr";a:6:{s:4:"name";s:11:"Bestell-Nr.";s:5:"value";s:9:"1 | 2 | and so on...
How can i get the attributes in their correct format to display?
Thanks for your help!