I have successfully created a list view that populates a json file which I have created now I'm trying to edit the list view item. But I'm having trouble doing it, I keep getting error TypeError: Result of expression 'curData' [undefined] is not an object. Below is a sample code where I'm trying to edit the listview after the page is created.
This is the page where I load the list view
import bb.system 1.0
import bb.cascades 1.0
import bb.data 1.0
import Network.Communication 1.0
Page {
Container {
id: profilePage
layout: DockLayout {
ListView {
id: profileListView
dataModel: contactsData
listItemComponents: [
ListItemComponent {
id: myItem
type: "item"
CustomListItemProfilePage {
id: listCell
background: Color.create(ListItemData.color)
text: ListItemData.name
onClicked: {
onTriggered: {
var curData = contactsData.data([0,0])
curData.name = curData.name + " : "+ _settings.getValueFor("loginUserName", "No login name");
console.log("on compleete LOADED:"+contactsData.data([0,0]).toString());
attachedObjects: [
GroupDataModel {
id: contactsData
sortingKeys: ["order"]
grouping: ItemGrouping.None
DataSource {
id: profileDataSource
source: "asset:///Model/ProfileDetails.json"
onDataLoaded: {
onError: {
console.log("JSON Load Error: [" + errorType + "]: " + errorMessage);
This is my sample json file. I'm trying to replace the text NAME with actual name that I get after login which is stored in _settings.getValueFor("loginUserName", "No login name")
{ "order": 1, "name": "NAME" ,"color":"#16A085" },
{ "order": 2, "name": "FIND FRIENDS" ,"color":"#2ECC71" },
{ "order": 3, "name": "INVITE" ,"color":"#3498DB" },
{ "order": 4, "name": "EDIT PROFILE" ,"color":"#34495E" }
This is the qml for my listview item
import bb.cascades 1.0
import QtQuick 1.0
import "Model/floatConstants.js" as Item
Container {
property alias text: label.text
property TextStyleDefinition textColor:label.textStyle
signal clicked()
layout: DockLayout {
preferredHeight: Item.itemHeight
preferredWidth: 1000.0
Container {
background: Color.Transparent
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
Container {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
Label {
id: label
text: "demo"
textStyle {
base: textColor.style
gestureHandlers: [
TapHandler {
onTapped: {
I'm new to blackberry and this is my first blackberry project. Please let me know if this is possible or if there is any other way to achieve this.