I'm implementing a singleton pattern, and need the initialization to be thread safe.
I've seen several ways to do it, like using the double check lock implementation, or other techniques (i.e.: http://csharpindepth.com/articles/general/singleton.aspx)
I wanted to know if the following approach, which is similar to the fourth version in the article, is thread safe. I'm basically calling a method in the static field initializer, which creates the instance. I don't care about the lazyness. Thanks!
public static class SharedTracerMock
private static Mock<ITracer> tracerMock = CreateTracerMock();
private static Mock<ITracer> CreateTracerMock()
tracerMock = new Mock<ITracer>();
return tracerMock;
public static Mock<ITracer> TracerMock
return tracerMock;