
I am unable to update a <p:inputText> based on the value entered in another <p:inputText> using <p:ajax>. I am using JSF 2 with PrimeFaces 5. The second <p:inputText> is not updating, the listener associated with <p:ajax> is being called and i am getting the correct values in the listener but its not updated on the view.

the view code is:

<p:dialog id="newStdDlg" header="Add new Student" widgetVar="newStdDlg" modal="true">
    <h:panelGrid id="newStdDlgPanel" columns="2" cellpadding="5" style="width:100%;">
        <p:outputLabel value="First Name *" />
        <p:inputText id="studentfname" value="#{addStudentBean.student.firstName}">
            <p:ajax event="change" update="studentUsrname" listener="#{addStudentBean.firstNameChange}" />

        <p:outputLabel value="Last Name *" />
        <p:inputText value="#{addStudentBean.student.lastName}"/>

        <p:outputLabel value="Father's Name *" />
        <p:inputText value="#{addStudentBean.student.fatherName}"/>

        <p:outputLabel id="uLbl" value="Username (System Generated) *" />
        <p:inputText id="studentUsrname" value="#{addStudentBean.student.user.username}" />

        <p:outputLabel value="This temporary password would be mailed to user: " />
        <p:outputLabel id="stdpassword" value="#{addStudentBean.student.user.password}"/>

    <p:commandButton value="Create Student"

and the listener of the session scoped managed bean is :

public void firstNameChange() {
    System.out.println("In AddStudentBean().firstNameChange()..........");
    System.out.println("The value of student.getFirstName: "+student.getFirstName());
    System.out.println("updating system generated username as: "+student.getFirstName()+String.valueOf(new UserDAO().getUserCount()+1));
    student.getUser().setUsername(student.getFirstName()+String.valueOf(new UserDAO().getUserCount()+1));
It used to be good practise to have a h:form inside the dialog, and place the dialog below other forms in the page. You could try it. Otherwise do you have any console errors (in the browser)?Jaqen H'ghar
@JaqenH'ghar: Thankyou so much, it just worked the way you mentioned by the dialog having its own h:form. (Y)Hassan

1 Answers


Like Jaqen mentioned in comments the comments use h:form inside dialog.

If you want to update the component from ManagedBean you can do that by using org.primefaces.RequestContext's update method.


If you feel like this method is too Cohesive, you can update from Facelet only, make sure remember to not place p:dialog in a h:from instead use h:form inside p:dialog .