Hi Everyone i have a foo class Code in Foo.h
Class Foo : public QObject
static Foo* Get(); // Singleton Pattern
Q_INVOKABLE int addFoo();
void fooAdded(int index);
public slots:
QList<QString> m_fooArray;
Code in foo.cpp
int Foo::addFoo()
QString newString = "blah.."
emit fooAdded(m_fooArray.size()-1);
return m_fooArray.size()-1;
in my main function code is
Foo fooInstance;
qmlRegisterType<GUI::Foo>("xxx", 1, 0, "Foo");
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("fooInstance", &fooInstance);
Now i have two xml main.xml and fooTabView.qml
in main.xml code is
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import xxx 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: appWindow
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
FooTabView {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.margins: 50
Button {
id: addFoo
x: 50
y: 59
text: qsTr("Add Connection")
onPressedChanged: fooInstance.addFoo();
Now when i compile and debug when i click on the addFoo button my breakpoint in addFoo() function gets hit and the signal fooAdded(index) is emitted
and in my FooTabView.qml i have the below code
import xxx 1.0
But now when i compile and debug i get no error but my breakpoint inside Foo.onFooAdded never get hits.
What i basically want is that when i hit that button a new foo get added to the list and than i will have my logic to create a new tab inside Foo.onFooAdded { ... }
Can someone please tell me what i am missing or doing wrong and how can i connect the fooAdded(index) signal to onFooAdded inside QML.
please note i have also tried the below code also inside FooTabView.xml but still my breakpoint did not got hit
Connections {
target: fooInstance
onFooAdded: {
I think i somehow have to connect to fooInstance::onFooAdded and not Foo::onFooAdded but i get compile error if i change to fooInstance::onFooAdded
Thanks in Advance