Here goes!
After a lot of research this is what I found:
First of all we got a connect method.
private readonly StreamSocket _clientSocket;
private bool _connected;
private DataReader _dataReader;
public string Hostname {
public int Port {
public Credentials Credentials;
public readonly string Channel;
public async Task < bool > Connect() {
if (_connected) return false;
var hostname = new HostName(Hostname);
await _clientSocket.ConnectAsync(hostname, Port.ToString());
_connected = true;
_dataReader = new DataReader(_clientSocket.InputStream) {
InputStreamOptions = InputStreamOptions.Partial
return true;
To read the data we receive through the StreamSocket, we create a ReadData() method and make it recursive so we will continue to get the data:
async private void ReadData() {
if (!_connected || _clientSocket == null) return;
uint s = await _dataReader.LoadAsync(2048);
string data = _dataReader.ReadString(s);
if (data.Contains("No ident response")) SendIdentity();
if (Regex.IsMatch(data, "PING :[0-9]+\\r\\n")) ReplyPong(data);
Now we have two new methods, SendIdentity();
and ReplyPong(string message);
Usually the IRC server will ping you, here you have to reply with a pong, like so:
private void ReplyPong(string message) {
var pingCode = Regex.Match(message, "[0-9]+");
SendRawMessage("PONG :" + pingCode);
And we also have to send our identity when the server is ready for it, like so:
private void SendIdentity() {
if (Credentials.Nickname == string.Empty) Credentials.Nickname = Credentials.Username;
SendRawMessage("NICK " + Credentials.Nickname);
SendRawMessage("USER " + Credentials.Username + " " + Credentials.Username + " " + Credentials.Username + " :" + Credentials.Username);
if (Credentials.Password != String.Empty) SendRawMessage("PASS " + Credentials.Password);
public class Credentials {
public string Nickname {
public string Username {
public string Password {
public Credentials(string username, string password = "", string nickname = "") {
Username = username;
Password = password;
Nickname = nickname;
At last we have our SendRawMessage();
method, that sends data to the server.
async private void SendRawMessage(string message) {
var writer = new DataWriter(_clientSocket.OutputStream);
writer.WriteString(message + "\r\n");
await writer.StoreAsync();
await writer.FlushAsync();
if (!_closing) return;
_connected = false;
Almost forgot out dispose function, which you can call when you want to close the stream :)
public void Dispose()
SendRawMessage("QUIT :");
_closing = true;
This will send a last message indicating that we're leaving, and since _closing now is true, the stream will be disposed afterwards.