
Is there a way to exclude packages from SonarQube(instrumented by gradle + sonar-runner) coverage reports(generated by jacoco) without excluding them completely from the project ?

Below is what i tried so far:

Version information

  • SonarQube 4.5.1
  • Gradle 2.2.

Jacoco configuration

// JaCoCo test coverage configuration
tasks.withType(Test) { task ->
    jacoco {
        append = false

        // excluded classes from coverage defined in above configuration
        excludes = excludedClasses()

    jacocoTestReport {
        doFirst {
            classDirectories = fileTree(dir: "${buildDir}/classes/main/").exclude(excludedClasses())


Sonarrunner configuration

Property setting to exclude package from Sonar analysis. Adding this to my configuration lead to the situation that the packages do not show-up at all in Sonar.

property 'sonar.exclusions', excludedClasses().join(',')

Property setting to exclude packages from jacoco. Setting this leads to the situation that packages are excluded from coverage analysis however show up having 0% which accumulates to bad total scores.

property 'sonar.jacoco.exclusions', excludedClasses().join(',')

6 Answers


I have managed to exclude particular packages from coverage reports by using sonar.coverage.exclusions property in sonar-project.properties. Property is described in official documentation


To combine @Mikalai's answer and @pavel's comment into something that's a bit easier to copy and paste:

To exclude a package or class from all Sonar checks (coverage, code smells, bugs etc), add the following to build.gradle:

sonarqube {
    properties {
        property 'sonar.exclusions', "**/com/some/package/**"

To exclude a package or class from only Sonar code coverage checks, add the following to build.gradle:

sonarqube {
    properties {
        property 'sonar.coverage.exclusions', "**/com/some/package/**"

exclude multiple module or class from Sonarqube. add below code to build.gradle:

example : package name= com.student.result.detail , com.customer.order ,com.student

  sonarqube {
    properties {
        property 'sonar.exclusions', "**/com/student/result/details/**",

To exclude res, assets, custom packages and auto generated classes from sonar code coverage for android project.

Create Exclusion list like below

exclusionList = [
            //Res and Assets


            // excluded packages

Provide the exclusion list to sonar coverage property

property 'sonar.coverage.exclusions', exclusionList


  • Keep the full path to exclude the full directory
  • **/* includes all the files and sub directories under the parent directory Refer Here
  • *Bean includes all the class names contains "Bean".
  • **/ starting with it covers the parent directories for the particular package.

Run Jacoco command and check sonar portal's coverage section after doing above changes.


If you are using Gradle 5+ with Kotlin DSL, you can exclude the files from coverage like this:

// configure the SonarQube plugin
sonarqube {
    val exclusions = listOf(

    // exclude the directories only from coverage (but not from other analysis)
    // https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/scan/sonarscanner-for-gradle/
    properties {
        property("sonar.coverage.exclusions", exclusions)

This worked for me with gradle 6, sonarqube plugin 2.8

property "sonar.coverage.exclusions" , "**/com/some/package/entity/**/*," + "**/com/some/package/config/**/*,**/com/some/package/dto/**/*,**/com/some/package/dao/**/*"

NOTE: packages are comma separated but in a single string