I have read plenty of posts about notifying someone via email when a form has been submitted and including the form data in the email but what I would like to do is identify an update to already existing information and have that put in an email and sent. I imagine that this would be done by identifying the latest timestamp and grabbing the corresponding entry. However, my extremely limited programming skills mean that I have been unable to work out the answer.
3 Answers
You can do this using Google App Script, open Spreadsheet where your form responses are being stored. Go to Tools -> Script Editor -> Script editor will be opened, copy the below function.
Create a trigger to call this function on form submission Resources -> Current project's triggers -> Select 'from spreadsheet' and 'On form submit' and create a trigger.
function sendEmailNoti(e) {
var timeStamp = e.values[0];
var userEmail = e.values[1];
var products = e.values[2];
var subject = "New Subscription Request";
var email = "abcd@yourdomain.com";
var message = "User email : " + userEmail + "<BR>Products opted : " + products + "<BR>Timestamp : " + timeStamp;
to: email,
subject: subject,
htmlBody: message
It just happens I have such a function in my bag of tricks!
This function assumes that you've got a trigger function formSubmitted(e)
for form submission that utilizes the event object it receives. As you surmised, it identifies the most recent update. It then creates a simulated form submission event, and invokes the form submission trigger function.
Set onChange()
up to trigger on spreadsheet changes.
* Sometimes, Google Apps Script sucks. This is one of those times.
* If a user updates previously submitted form data by using the "edit" link,
* that data will be updated in the Form Responses sheet. Unfortunately,
* that will NOT generate a spreadsheet form submission event. (See explanation:
* https://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=2969#c12)
* Observation: a form edit shows up as a change, with type of "OTHER", and source
* of a spreadsheet with activeSheet="Form Responses" and activeRange="A1". We
* will use that information to limit when we force our normal form-submission
* handler to run. Unfortunately, the event doesn't tell us which row changed,
* but that should be the one with the most recent timeStamp.
function onChange( e ) {
if (e.changeType !== "OTHER") return;
if (e.source.getActiveSheet().getName().indexOf("Form Responses") === -1) return;
if (e.source.getActiveRange().getA1Notation() !== "A1") return;
// Find latest form submission
var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
var timeStamps = sheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
// Determine most recent date
var max = Math.max.apply(null,transpose(timeStamps)[0]);
var properties = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
var lastMax = properties.getProperty("maxDate");
if (lastMax && max.toString() === lastMax) return; // Avoid changes triggered by updates from onChange function
Logger.log("onChange() thinks there's been a form edit. e="+JSON.stringify(e));
properties.setProperty("maxDate", max.toString());
var maxDate=new Date(max);
// Then find the sheet row that contains it
for (var row=0,found=false;row<timeStamps.length&&!found;row++) {
if (timeStamps[row][0] && timeStamps[row][0].getTime() === maxDate.getTime()) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
// We're blind... recalc everything
else {
// Trigger the submission event for this row
row += 2; // adjust for offset into sheet rows
var dataRange= sheet.getDataRange();
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var headers = data[0];
var response = data[row];
var respRange = dataRange.offset(row-1, 0, 1, dataRange.getLastColumn());
// Build event object with range, values and namedValues filled in
var values = respRange.getValues()[0];
var namedValues = {};
for (var h in headers) { namedValues[headers[h]] = [values[h]]; }
var e = { range: respRange,
values: values,
namedValues: namedValues
formSubmitted(e); // Simulate event
I approached this problem slightly differently. Instead of creating a new trigger - modified the form submit trigger itself slightly to pick values for each key from the spreadsheet instead of from the form responses.
The revised code looks like this
// Include a copy of all responses
for ( var keys in columns ) {
var key = columns[keys];
message += key + ' :: '+ sheet.getRange(resultUrls.length+1, (data[0].indexOf(key)+1)).getValues() + "<br />";