I am learning the nested concept from SCSS. Now I run into a problem by using a pseudoelement in combination of compound selectors.
I have create this SCSS snippet:
content: "foo";
content: "foo-class";
The output CSS file looks this:
body[data-tag="foo"]::before {
content: "foo";
/* the class selector appends after the before declaration */
body[data-tag="foo"]::before[class] {
content: "foo-class";
Now I have the wrong before element, because the class-attribute is after the before-element declared.
The output of this:
<body class="notice" data-tag="foo"/>
is foo, not foo-class.
I have tried to set the parent selector after the class attribtue in the scss file, but this throws an error. Also to set a before-element after the class attribute, but this will be ignored by the compiler.
Is there a way to achieve this with nesting?