
I process all files in a directory, say:

(map file-handler files)

The only parameter to file-handler is naturally a file object. I want to know inside the file-handler the current "index" of the files sequence. The only solution I can see so far is to create a counter in the lexical closure, visible inside file-handler, and increment it there on each step. Perfectly feasible but not quite clojurelike. Is there a pure functional way to manage it?

Very often in FP it turns out that you don't need an index even though you thought you did. If you do then as @noisesmith's said, the general principle is to pass the 'mutating' value through the recursion as one of the arguments, e.g. fold and reduceshmish111

1 Answers


map takes 1 or more arguments

(map file-handler (range) files)

there is also a shortcut for this

(map-indexed file-handler files)

This will require updating file-handler to take 2 arguments, or making a wrapper function that takes the index and the file and calls file-handler on the file.