
I am traversing an XML Document and extracting various bits of information via XPath expressions (using Saxon 9 in Java). While going through the nodes under one element, I need to reference a node from another element. In the following example, for each /root/books/book I want to get a reference to the /root/authors/author/name that has the same id as the author element under book.

I'm thinking of something like /root/authors/author[id=XXX/author]/name where XXX refers to the "current node" that I am evaluating. It's the XXX bit that I can't figure out. Any help?


            <name>My Book</name>


Here's the code snippet. First I'm getting a nodelist, then I'm looping through those nods and evaluating a set of expressions for each node.

NodeList nl = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(loopExpr, doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
    Node currentNode = nl.item(i);

    for (String field : fields) {
        XPathExpression xe = expr.get(field);
        String value = xe.evaluate(currentNode);
please show the relevant code snippetguido
Ramon, if you are doing it all with XPath then it would help if you show us your code as setting up a variable will depend on the XPath API you use and Saxon 9 supports at least two (JAXP, s9api).Martin Honnen
I'm using the JAXP API, and I defined my own variable resolver. Is that the "correct" way of defining variables?Ramon Casha
Welcome to StackOverflow! Please see "Should questions include “tags” in their titles?", where the consensus is "no, they should not".user57508
Note also that Saxon 9.6 supports XPath 3.0 where you could do all in a single expression let $book := . return /root/authors/author[id = $book/author]/name. I am not sure how to enable that version using the Jaxp API.Martin Honnen

1 Answers


You can use the expression /root/authors/author[id=$XXX/author]/name and use the API to bind a value (a node) to variable $XXX. With the s9api interface, you would use XPathEvaluator.setVariable(new QName('XXX'), node) where node is an XdmNode returned from a previous XPath evaluation.