I am reading a token from a .csv file into variable CSV_ACCESS_TOKEN. I have 3 request under one ThreadGroup. I want a scenario when logged in user loads a page thrice (or N time). So 1 thread is looping N time. After reading token once, I dont want to read next token in loop but want to loop through URL three (or N) time with same token.
Right now I am reading data from CSV, and using "BeanShell Sampler" inside "Once only Controller". In the sample I am using line like: vars.put("ACCESS_TOKEN",vars.get("CSV_ACCESS_TOKEN"). But that BeanShell sampler is recorded in my Summary Result. I don't want that.
I tried using "User Defined Variable" controller and try to assign the value ${__evalVar(CSV_ACCESS_TOKEN)} but it return empty value for ${ACCESS_TOKEN}. When I use ${CSV_ACCESS_TOKEN}, it shows me the values. If I use some other variable instead of CSV_ACCESS_TOKEN in UDV controller, it assigns the value from other variable and I see values for ${ACCESS_TOKEN}.
Why CSV variable is not assigning the values in regular variable.
Thanks Vinay