
I did some tinkering with my .cfg file, then put everything back to normal.

I can still connect then authenticate, but cannot register new users. Well, I have never been able to register users.

I'm using XMPPFramework for Obj-C with bridging from Swift to do something like this:

Static.xmppStream!.registerWithPassword("123", error: &error)

I don't think anything is wrong with the code, but it's something with the ejabberd server configuration.

I have:

{access, register, [{allow, all}]}.


{mod_register, [
    {access, register, [{allow, all}]}

in my configuration.

I have posted just now somewhat same question, it is actually ejabberd problem. I have tested with PSI desktop client and it did work flawless. But when i moved with webclient like JWChat then whenever i press login i see "Service is unavailable" .. Check with JWChat web client first to see if its also your's ejabberd problem. stackoverflow.com/questions/26969239/…wolvorinePk
Thanks for the recommendation. It does login at JWChat. However, it does login in the app too. It's just registration that does not work and I cannot test that in JWChat it seems.user83039

2 Answers


I ended up grabbing the cfg file from here, and reconfiguring it.


mod_register should be like this:

     access_from: allow
     access: all