I updated to Android 5 OTA on two Nexus 7 2013 and 2012, after upgrading all the AIR apps were removed, native apps remained. I tried to install the apps from Google Play and i got an 505 install error. The logcat error is below:
E/Finsky(4449): [1] PackageInstallerImpl.handleCommitCallback: Error -505 while installing air.com.123.456 INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/air.com.123.456-1: Package air.com.123.456 signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring!
The apps are the same as before upgrading , they were not updated, the certificate is the same.
Anyone else seen this problem, is there an AIR patch?
I can install the app by "adb uninstall" command then re installing from Google play.
The problem happens on apps using AIR upto 15.302, some are on AIR 14 still. I have also got the same error reported by a few users who upgraded to 5, also using Nexus 7.