
I'm using VB.NET 2010 with Crystal Reports 13_0_10, and I'm getting an error in setting a parameter in Crystal Reports: the result doesn't filter by my formula.

I create parameter field (number) called id then make formula record:

{Attechment_AB.attid} = {?id}

then in VB.NET pass value to Crystal Reports by

rpt.SetParameterValue("id", txtId.Text)

When I used VB.NET 2008 the code worked correctly, but now it displays all the values of the table.

where did you write the formula in crystal reports?Siva

1 Answers


If you need to filter the data according to some parameter then you need to write the formula in Record Selection Formula and not in formula editor.

You can get the record selection formula from Report -> selection formula --> record selection formula tab in crystal report.