From the gnuplot help: "Data sets are separated by pairs of blank records". I am guessing you are not using blank lines as data set separators. If your file looks like this:
# Isochrone Z = 0.00800 Age = 1.000e+07 yr
# Mu Mb Mv Mr Mi Mj Mh Mk Flum
14.982 13.538 12.020 11.076 10.083 9.024 8.401 8.172 -9.59274740
13.741 12.481 11.074 10.195 9.366 8.378 7.710 7.510 -6.50542581
# Isochrone Z = 0.00800 Age = 1.122e+07 yr
# Mu Mb Mv Mr Mi Mj Mh Mk Flum
14.982 13.538 12.020 11.076 10.083 9.024 8.401 8.172 -9.59274740
13.741 12.481 11.074 10.195 9.366 8.378 7.710 7.510 -6.50542581
Then the following bash command can add the blank lines without the need to manually edit the file's content:
user@machine:~$ sed 's/# Isochrone/\n\n# Isochrone/g' file
# Isochrone Z = 0.00800 Age = 1.000e+07 yr
# Mu Mb Mv Mr Mi Mj Mh Mk Flum
14.982 13.538 12.020 11.076 10.083 9.024 8.401 8.172 -9.59274740
13.741 12.481 11.074 10.195 9.366 8.378 7.710 7.510 -6.50542581
# Isochrone Z = 0.00800 Age = 1.122e+07 yr
# Mu Mb Mv Mr Mi Mj Mh Mk Flum
14.982 13.538 12.020 11.076 10.083 9.024 8.401 8.172 -9.59274740
13.741 12.481 11.074 10.195 9.366 8.378 7.710 7.510 -6.50542581
The command above inserts two blank lines before # Isochrone
every time it finds it. And now you can use the command inside gnuplot:
plot "< sed 's/# Isochrone/\\n\\n# Isochrone/g' file" index 0 u 1:2
Note you need to escape backslashes within gnuplot. To get the age you can use a similar approach with a system call within gnuplot:
n = 1 # First record
age_1 = system("awk '/Age/{i++}i==" . n . "{print $(NF-1); exit}' file")
print age_1
Or get all of them at the same time and store them in a string:
age = ""
do for [n = 1:2] {
age = age . " " . system("awk '/Age/{i++}i==" . n . "{print $(NF-1); exit}' file")
print age
1.000e+07 1.122e+07
Now you can conveniently use the same index for index
and the title:
plot for [i=1:2] "< sed 's/# Isochrone/\\n\\n# Isochrone/g' file" \
index (i-1) u 1:2 title "Age = " . word(age,i) . " years"
Are you studying magnetic flux in stars?