
I'm developing an native only application, it has a Facebook sharing feature that share a RSS url. When use click on a post/story I would like Facebook to open my app and pass some data to open the right view for best user experience.

I have read and created an app link and get the canonical_url: https://fb.me/xxx as the tutorial here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/applinks/hosting-api

My share dialog:

FacebookDialog dialog = new FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder(activity)

If I pass the link param is the web url, for example http://google.com/..., when I click on the shared story Facebook open the browser to load that url.

If I pass the link param is the canonical_url: https://fb.me/xxx, Facebook open my app directly and the received data from Facebook are:

Bundle[{extras=Bundle[{fb_expires_in=86400, fb_app_id=<app id>, fb_access_token=<access token>}], target_url=https://fb.me/xxx, referer_app_link=Bundle[{package=com.facebook.katana, url=fb:///, app_name=Facebook}]}]

What should I do to get the RSS url back from Facebook after use click on the shared story?


1 Answers


I figured it out, just put the data after the canonical_url so when I got it back from Facebook deep linking, parse the url to receive data back, for example https://fb.me/xxx?data=xyz&foo=bar